Our Partners

As a Claremont-based organization working to advance wisdom, harmony, and the common good, the Cobb Institute focuses primarily on local initiatives to bring about an ecological civilization. To achieve its aims, the Institute collaborates with a variety of partners, including...

All Paths Divinity School is an affordable, online, interfaith, interspiritual seminary – a multifaith distance-learning institution, where you can be ordained as an Interspiritual Interfaith Minister, earn your advanced degree in Interfaith Ministry, Interfaith Theology, or Religious Studies. Learn More

Bethlehem Centre encourages and supports the expression of beliefs and values about humanity, spirituality, healing and peace by welcoming groups and individuals exploring a spiritual path and seeking a gathering place for education, reflection and community building. Learn More

Driven by the principle of relationality and commitment to the common good, the Center for Process Studies works on cutting edge discourse across disciplines to promote the exploration of interconnection, change, and intrinsic value as core features of our world. Learn More

With ten films meant to inform, inspire, and amuse, the Common Good Film Festival celebrates the work of filmmakers that tell the stories of those dedicated to the benefit of humanity. Four days of films and discussions that elicit common sense, common decency, and the common good, while celebrating the wisdom of Alfred North Whitehead. Learn More

In concurrence with the Charter for Compassion, which the City of Pomona proclaimed on April 2nd, 2018, Compassionate Pomona is consortium of caring individuals and agencies in the city of Pomona who focus on thoughts and actions that promote compassion and inner and outer peace. Learn More

The mission of the Community Home Energy Retrofit Project is to extend the reach of renewable energy to economically disadvantaged communities. They're dedicated to creating green-sector jobs—particularly for those with barriers to entry in the workforce. They seek to stimulate local economies, pursue environmental justice and achieve greenhouse gas reductions. Learn More

The Institute for Ecological Civilization understands a civilization to be a way that humans pattern their lives together; it encompasses values, institutions, beliefs, cultures, and actions. To live ecologically is to recognize that all living things are members of ecosystems, and then to act to “to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community” (Aldo Leopold). In promoting ecological civilization, EcoCiv works towards the development of human societies that are structured to promote a cooperative relationship between the planet’s human inhabitants and the biosphere they inhabit. Learn More


The Institute for the Postmodern Development of China weds the best Chinese and Western resources to identify global pathways toward ecological civilization. Learn More

The mission of the Living Earth Movement is twofold. The short-term priority is to get the U.S. and China to cooperate for the sake of all life on this planet. The second and equally important priority is to promote the foundations for a new kind of civilization in which humans would learn to value and cooperate with the rest of the ecosphere. We need a world in which humans understand themselves as part of a living earth community. We call this an ecological civilization. Learn More

Love Beyond Belief, Inc. develops Love Beyond Belief™ programs for religious and secular (i.e., spiritual but not religiously affiliated) congregations to help them revitalize themselves and, in time, the nation. Their goal is to create a network of Love Beyond Belief™ communities that work with other religious, social service, eco-justice, social justice and racial justice organizations for the common good. Learn More

Middle Tree is a nonprofit educational resource center designed to help with tutoring, test preparation, college counseling, and financial aid. It's aim is to make education available by making it affordable. Learn More

Open Horizons offers ideas that might help people create multi-cultural, interfaith communities that are creative, compassionate, participatory, ecologically wise, and spiritually enjoyable, with no one left behind! It is these kinds of horizons -- horizons of creativity and compassion -- that they hope to help open. Learn More

Pando Populus is a non-profit producer of initiatives and events bringing Los Angeles County change-makers together to take on high-impact challenges that can’t be pulled off alone. Their work focuses at the intersections between organizations, and provides transdisciplinary educational resources to support it. We help keep partners joined together for ongoing impact. Learn More

Spirituality & Practice is a multifaith and interspiritual website, founded by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, devoted to resources for spiritual journeys. The site's name reflects a basic understanding: spirituality and practice are the two places where all the world's religions and spiritual paths come together. While respecting the differences among traditions, we celebrate what they share in common. Learn More

Sustainable Claremont engages people in education and action to create a more sustainable community – environmentally, socially, and economically — in Claremont and beyond. Learn More

The University of La Verne is dedicated to the belief that a quality, values-based education enriches the human condition by engendering community engagement, scholarly accomplishment, and professionalism. The Cobb Institute works closely with the Religion & Philosophy Department, which offers students the opportunity to explore the historical and global development of ideas that have formed cultures and individual world views throughout human history. Learn More