Learning Lab - colored brain - md


Applying Process Thought Across the Natural Sciences

This five-session course introduces students to Alfred North Whitehead’s process philosophy, emphasizing its application to modern science and cosmology. It explores the applications of process thought to physics, biology, and neuroscience, as well as its potential for integrating natural science and the humanities.

Exploring Crises and Possibilities for Ecological Justice and Wellbeing

This six-session course explores visions of ecological civilization, drawing upon process-relational understandings of the cosmos, ecological movements, and central ideas and practices in diverse human communities and fields of thought. The purpose is to gather and build upon practical wisdom, seeking to dive deeply into crises and possibilities. Practical wisdom has power to transform the downward spiral of ecological destruction and to foster movements for protecting, healing, and regenerating our broken planet.

Dealing With Difficulties in a Healthy and Holistic Way

Most people experience painful difficulties in life, such as the death of a loved one, conflict within marriage, the loss of a job, or addiction. Such challenges can be overwhelming when faced alone. This six-session course explores 12 spiritual principles that can help one deal with the difficulties they face in a healthy and holistic way.

Introducing World Religions through a Process-Relational Lens

Over the course of six sessions will be introduced to several world religions (or ways of thinking and living) through a lens of process-relational thought. Each week will be devoted to a different tradition with several visiting speakers bringing their own expertise to the discussion.

Diving Deeper Into Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism

While “process philosophy” is wider than the work of Alfred North Whitehead, the depth and dynamism of his thought principally inspire its modern expression. This five-part course introduces students and life-long learners to the central themes, contours, and ideas of Whitehead’s “philosophy of organism.”

Entering the Horizon of Process Ways of Understanding and Living

This four-session course provides an introduction to the process tradition by examining key ideas in Whitehead’s philosophy, exploring some general ideas that flow from his philosophy, and considering applications of these ideas in personal life and community development, as guided by four ideals that are shared by process thinkers.

Considering Power, Relationship and the Art of Becoming As Adults Mutually Influence One Another

This four-session course proposes that constructive work grounded in process theology can provide support during the adventure of the launching young adults. Together we will explore an understanding of God that can aid those who are navigating this challenging time.

Rethinking Process Theology and Religious Pluralism Through the Lens of Divine Omnipresence

In this hybrid five-session course, we will explore the question of religious pluralism and consider what difference a process understanding of divine omnipresence and the centrality of compassion in all major religions can make to how one develops a Christian theology.

Exploring the Cosmic Collaborations and Creative Transformations

Through a process lens, Keller’s On the Mystery tracks paths of open-ended interactivity—creaturely and divine. Together we’ll unpack the interactive and public theology enlivening Keller’s work.

Thinking About How We Think About Economics

This course provides an overview of modern economic theory and a process-relational critique of that theory. Topics will include the assumed need for economic expansion (“growthism”), globalization, localism, development without growth, and individuals-in-community.

Introducing World Religions through a Process-Relational Lens

Over the course of six sessions, students will be introduced to several world religions (or ways of thinking and living) through a lens of process-relational thought. Each week will be devoted to a different tradition with several visiting teachers bringing their own expertise to the discussion.

Exploring Core Christian Doctrines and Themes from a Process Perspective

This course provides a basic introduction to key ideas in process thought, specifically as they are applicable to Christian theological categories. Topics will include major doctrines and encourage students’ own participation in the ongoing process of reconstructing major doctrines, ideas, and issues through the lens of process theology, with practical applications to ministry.

Diving Deeper Into Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism

While “process philosophy” is wider than the work of Alfred North Whitehead, the depth and dynamism of his thought principally inspire its modern expression. This five-part course introduces students and life-long learners to the central themes, contours, and ideas of Whitehead’s “philosophy of organism.”

Entering the Horizon of Process Ways of Understanding and Living

This four-session course provides an introduction to the process tradition by examining key ideas in Whitehead’s philosophy, exploring some general ideas that flow from his philosophy, and considering applications of these ideas in personal life and community development, as guided by four ideals that are shared by process thinkers.

A Six-Week Exploration of Christianity & Process Theology

In this six-week course, John Cobb will elucidate six of the themes in Christianity and process theology that he considers vital to his faith. Each session will include a mini-lecture by John, a conversation between John and Tripp, and responses to questions submitted by class participants.

How can poetry vivify and deepen our understanding of Whitehead’s Process and Reality?

This is the third in series of three four-week courses taught by Christina Hutchins. The “vivid suggestiveness of the poets” can deepen our engagement with process concepts that have been well-developed yet also limited by conventional theological or philosophical thought. In this class, we will use poetry to animate felt understandings of several of Whitehead’s key ideas.

Explore the Act of Creation Through Creating in Vivid Language

This is the second in series of three four-week courses taught by Christina Hutchins. Writing a poem, for the first or thousandth time, is an adventure into new constellations of feelings, thoughts, and experience, and writing a poem also opens fresh insights into the creative process itself. With gentle guidance and process insights, participants in this class, will do both.

Considering the Possibility of Dreams as Natural and Potentially Healing Mystical Encounters with the Divine

In this six-session course, Dr. Sheri D. Kling will draw from the ideas of psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and mathematician-philosopher Alfred North Whitehead as well as recent brain science to guide participants through an exploration into the dreaming body-mind and religious experience.

Explore Reading and the Transformative Power of Poetry

This is the first in a series of three four-week courses taught by award-winning poet Christina Hutchins. Participants will carefully consider the following question: How can the process of a poem not only facilitate the widening of our existence but also enact an experience while simultaneously reflecting on it?

Four Sessions Connecting the Insights of Transcendentalism and Process Thought

In this four-week course, Dr. Terry Goddard will facilitate a reading and discussion of four of Loren Eiseley’s essays, focusing especially on his view of process thought as it relates to nature.

Four Sessions Examining Process Theology Through the Eyes of Beauty

In this four-session course, Patricia Adams Farmer will elucidate a Whiteheadian-inspired theology of beauty with a view to deepening understanding, enriching spirituality, encouraging an ecological vision, and nurturing hope.

Six Sessions Exploring Whitehead, Jung, and Why We Need Them Now

In this six-session course, Dr. Sheri D. Kling will guide students through the deep resonances between the philosophy of organism of Alfred North Whitehead and analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung to show what these two great thinkers have in common and why we need them now more than ever.

Four Sessions Exploring a Variety of Ways In Which “God is Being Reborn”

In this four-week course, the Reverend Al Gephart will invite participants to respond to the ways that John Philip Newell perceives concepts of God in the Christian community undergoing a seismic shift, reorientation, and rebirth.

Suffering & Meaning in a Process-Relational Perspective

In this three-week course Dr. Bob Mesle will examine the human impulse to find meaning in suffering, explore the ways in which people with good intentions often offer comforts which can lead to an unhealthy denial of life’s problems, and consider more healthy alternatives.

Six Sessions Covering the Core Concepts in Whitehead's Magnum Opus

In this six-week course Jay McDaniel will guide students through important passages in Process and Reality, and, along with way, give everyone a basic understanding of sixteen key ideas. Each week he will invite participants to turn to particular passages and offer his understanding of their meaning, followed by open discussion.

A Six-Session Course Introducing Alfred North Whitehead’s Magnum Opus

In these lectures John Cobb provides an introduction to one of the most compelling and challenging philosophical texts of the Twentieth Century. Process and Reality is a notoriously difficult text, but the goal of this course is to enable students to not only skim the surface but probe its deeper dimensions in a way that’s accessible to anyone.

Might Process Philosophy Help?

In this course Dr. Cobb presents a series of ten lectures that critically examine our current condition and constructively propose an alternative for the future, informed primarily by the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Students will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from one of the world’s foremost experts in process thought, and together think through some of humanity’s greatest challenges.