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What We Do

All Cobb Institute offerings are designed to encourage and embody the spirit of ecological civilizations, in which people live with respect and care for one another and the larger community of life. We believe that holistic thinking, just and compassionate community life, and spiritually sensitive living at a personal level embody that spirit.

To further this vision we offer a wide variety of offerings for the general public, such as courses, cohorts, learning circles, blog posts, podcasts, weekly gatherings, workshops, and a toolbox for educators. The primary aim of many of our offerings is to advance educational possibilities, while the main objective of others is to nurture healthy communities, and still others seek to foster spiritual vitality. These purposes often overlap and intersect with one another as we continually strive to promote integral ways of thinking and living.

Educating the General Public

Promoting Healthy Communities

Fostering Spiritual Vitality

An Exhaustive List of Our Offerings



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