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An Enduring Gift to People and Communities

Would you like to create a lasting legacy of supporting individual growth in meaning and purpose along with the development of just, sustainable, and joyful communities?

Planned giving allows you to do just that with your estate planning. It enables you to remain in control of your financial assets during your life, plan to support loved ones, and provide long-term lasting support for causes you are passionate about.

There are many forms of planned giving, including bequests, gifts of cash, securities, or other property, through beneficiary designation on life insurance, or different forms of trusts. Click on the links below to learn more about how you can support the Cobb Institute through the John Cobb Legacy Fund.

Whatever decision you may make, we want to express our deep gratitude. You are investing in the health of people, animals, and the communities they live in when you support the Cobb Institute.

Our Work in the World

A planned gift is a lasting investment in the Cobb Institute and our work to create a world that is good for people, animals, and the earth. We help individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives, and help communities become just, sustainable, and joyful through courses, workshops, and webinars on the practical application of process-relational thought.

If we want a society in which the sense of belonging is strong, people are concerned for one another, and there is strong commitment to the common good, we need a metaphysics that shows that we are in fact part of larger societies and have no existence apart from our relations to others.
–John B. Cobb, Jr.

A planned gift is a lasting investment in the Cobb Institute that makes it possible for us to expand our work in the world and ensures our future. Your gift might fund particular projects, such as community garden learning circles, workshops on process and psychology, and courses on the philosophy of Whitehead and process theologies — all for the general public.

The John Cobb Legacy Fund is the Planned Giving Program created by the Center for Process Studies, the Cobb Institute, and the Institute for Ecological Civilization (EcoCiv) to further the work that Dr. Cobb began and inspired. EcoCiv serves as Trustee of the Fund on behalf of member charities.

At the broadest level, the Fund works for the common good by supporting organizations that expand the wellbeing of people and planet, transform human views of life and the world into one of interrelatedness, meaning, and cooperation, and promote holistic approaches in all spheres of human life that nourish the flourishing of all.