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Promoting Heathy Communities

We promote healthy communities through strategic collaborations that will locally manifest ecological civilization. We work to convene, connect, and catalyze: convening important conversations, connecting synergistic partners, and catalyzing vital initiatives that will achieve the community’s goals in ways that increase its sustainability, resilience, and long-term well-being.

Our View

Promoting healthy communities puts process-relational philosophy into practice. Our view includes the following underlying principles:

  • Reality is relational, that is, all things are interconnected. Everything in the world is constituted by its relationships to other things, and nothing exists in complete isolation.
  • Because relationships form the core of reality, we seek to build healthy relationships, relationships that are mutually beneficial, relationships that seek balance, harmony, and synergy.
  • Reality is valuable, that is, all things have intrinsic value. Everything possesses value in and for itself, and not just for others.
  • Because all things have value, we affirm the equality of every person, work for just relationships between neighbors, and seek the inclusion and accommodation of all within communities as they grow together.
  • Healthy communities are compassionate, diverse, and open to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic status.
  • Healthy communities recognize they are part of a larger world that matters, and that their actions have a real impact on the world, for better or worse.
  • Healthy communities thus seek to bring about an ecological civilization.
Promoting Healthy Communities - people - crop

Our Approach

Our approach seeks "creative localization," which is comprised of six dimensions:

  1. Energy: Generating power locally from renewable sources such as solar, wind, and hydrogen, and where possible, using technology created and stored locally.
  2. Food: Growing food locally or regionally using regenerative agriculture techniques that work cooperatively with nature and the Earth.
  3. Housing: Developing affordable housing in blended neighborhoods that encourage mutual support.
  4. Education: Engaging all individuals in a life-long process of discovery to contribute creatively and meaningfully to society with values rooted in humanity, community and ecology, and to live joyously in harmony with diversity.
  5. Culture: Developing a culture that values balance, sufficiency, human freedom and creative expression, rather than acquisition, consumption and servitude.
  6. Economics: Pursuing economic policies that maximize the well-being of all and the ecological sustainability of the planet.

What does the "process way" contribute to community work?

A holistic, systemic perspective: We encourage holistic, cross-disciplinary thinking about complex challenges.

A preference for transformational strategies: We stay alert to cues (or “lures”) from the environment for the best possible paths forward at any given moment to the most fulfilling future available. When our efforts align with the forces of nature, those forces begin to energize, sustain and open up pathways.

An inclination to collaborate: We search for synergies with our partners and magnify our impact by promoting the work of others.