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Process Thought 101 - Process-Relational Philosophy - header - 1300x500

Learning Circle: Process Thought 101: Process-Relational Philosophy

October 28 @ 8:30 am 9:30 am PDT

Probing Process-Relational Worldviews For Newcomers

Want to learn more about process thought? Join our learning circle, as we read and discuss together various essays and books on important themes to process thought. Our reflections will be guided by the Twenty Key Ideas of Process Thought.

Like many of you I do not have a formal background in process thought. My seminary program did not include readings in process theology. However, through various offerings from the Cobb Institute and Process and Faith and Open Horizons I have received a good and welcome introduction to process thought. My interest has grown with my increased knowledge of process. My hope is that this learning circle with provide a place for those of you, like me, who are new to process to read and discuss the books and essays of process theologians and philosophers.

The focus in our next round will be C. Robert Mesle’s Process-Relational Philosophy: An Introduction to Alfred North Whitehead. This short book covers a lot of territory and provides an excellent overview of Whitehead’s thinking.