Seeing Nature Through a Process Lens
Event Series
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June 17, 2024 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am PDT
A Learning Circle Exploring Nature Authors Guided by Process Thought
In this four-session learning circle we will read and discuss the writings of various nature authors, such as Loren Eiseley, Mary Oliver, John Muir, and others. The group will use some of the Cobb Institute’s “What is Process Thought? 20 Key Ideas” slideshow as a means to learn more about nature and process thought.
The learning circle will meet four times for an hour and a half each session. We will begin session one with a discussion of five of the 20 Key Ideas. In each of the other three sessions there will be a brief review of the biography of the authors and an overview of their works.
Knowledge of the authors we will study or process thought is not necessary. A desire to learn more about both is both helpful and desired.