Exploring the Cosmic Collaborations and Creative Transformations
Through a process lens, Keller’s On the Mystery tracks paths of open-ended interactivity—creaturely and divine. Together we’ll unpack the interactive and public theology enlivening Keller’s work.
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Course Description
‘Cosmic Collaboration’ emerges as a central theme in Keller’s On the Mystery. The collaborative speaks not only to deep relationality, but also to possibilities of creative transformations. Such transformations touch not only the theological, but also—and necessarily—the political and public. It is to a ‘cosmic liturgy (leitourgos)’—that is, to a public (leit) work (ourgos) that moves toward greater expansions of freedom, justice, and love that Keller’s work bids us.
Across four weeks we will traverse the paths of open-ended interactivity, of collaborative and creative ways of being and doing, that Keller tracks in On the Mystery. Each conversation will begin with an in-depth review of themes set forth in that week’s reading. This review— PowerPoints interwoven with other works by Keller—will be followed by a time of group discussion.
In the final session, Catherine Keller will join those gathered for a time of Q&A.
“The Christ-symbol is alive only to the extent that it is embodied in process. It is in process to the extent that any church [or collective] is alive. And a church [collective] is alive to the extent that it is living—practicing—the amorous justice of the basileia.”
–Catherine Keller, On the Mystery
Course Outline
- Session 1: Cosmic Liturgy: Keller’s Process thought as public theology (chapters 1-3)
- Session 2: Care, Justice, and Celebration: Divine multiplicity, Power, and Incarnational vulnerability (chapters 4-6)
- Session 3: Counter-Apocalypse: Beginnings, Endings, and Divine Indwelling (chapters 7-8)
- Session 4: Q&A with Catherine Keller
About the Instructor
Dhawn Martin, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the SoL Center, an interfaith adult education center in San Antonio, TX. A graduate of Wellesley College, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and Drew University, Dhawn explores the intersections of religion, politics, and civic activism. She has written numerous articles, and is co-editor of Ecological Solidarities: Mobilizing Faith and Justice for an Entangled World.
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