Photo courtesy Calum Lewis

“I think food, culture, people and landscape are all absolutely inseparable.”

— Anthony Bourdain

Cooking, often regarded as a mundane activity, possesses an inherent artistic quality that transcends the boundaries of taste and nourishment. Through the lens of a process-relational worldview, which emphasizes the interconnectedness and dynamic nature of existence, we can appreciate how cooking unfolds as an intricate art form. This post explores how the act of cooking is elevated to the realm of art, embodying beauty and creativity in its processes, relationships, and transformative outcomes.

In a process-relational worldview, everything is interconnected and constantly evolving. Cooking exemplifies this interconnectedness by blending ingredients, flavors, and techniques to create a harmonious symphony of tastes and textures.

Just as an artist selects a color palette or a musician orchestrates harmonies, a cook carefully selects and combines ingredients to create a masterpiece on the plate. Each ingredient contributes its unique qualities, interacting with others to form a cohesive and balanced whole. The act of cooking recognizes the interdependence of the ingredients, acknowledging that their collective harmony is greater than the sum of their individual parts.

The artistic nature of cooking lies not only in its ability to harmonize flavors but also in its capacity for adaptation and innovation. Just as artists experiment with different techniques and mediums, cooks continually explore new combinations and techniques to push culinary boundaries. They draw inspiration from cultural traditions, personal experiences, and the ever-evolving culinary landscape to create unique and innovative dishes. Like an artist's brushstrokes on a canvas, a cook's creative touch manifests in the presentation, plating, and arrangement of food, transforming a dish into a visual delight.


Italian shrimp over polenta cakes


Fasolada - Greek white bean soup, garnished with feta cheese and parsley

“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.”

— Guy Fieri

Just as an artist carefully selects and blends colors to create visual impact, a cook uses ingredients to introduce a vibrant palette of colors and a rich tapestry of textures. The vibrant hues of fruits and vegetables, the charred crust of a perfectly seared steak, or the velvety smoothness of a creamy sauce all contribute to the visual appeal of a dish. By skillfully combining colors and textures, a cook transforms a mere plate of food into a work of art that stimulates not only the taste buds but also the eyes.

Cooking extends beyond the mere act of preparing food; it encompasses the entire process, from the gathering of ingredients to the final presentation. In a process-relational worldview, the ritualistic aspects of cooking hold immense significance. The meticulousness of measuring ingredients, the patience required in simmering a sauce, and the intuitive improvisation of a seasoned chef all contribute to the creation of a culinary masterpiece. Each step of the process carries its own aesthetic beauty, encapsulating the intention, skill, and devotion of the cook.

Behind the artistry of cooking lies a foundation of scientific principles and culinary alchemy. The understanding of chemical reactions, heat transfer, and ingredient properties allows cooks to manipulate flavors, textures, and appearances. The careful balance of acidity and sweetness, the precise timing of cooking processes, and the mastery of techniques, such as emulsification or fermentation, all rely on scientific knowledge. Cooking bridges the realms of art and science, weaving together creativity and technical precision to produce gastronomic wonders.


Shrimp stir-fry with edamame and brown rice


Fresh chicken salad made with Greek yogurt and served in a Greek pita with spring


Mexican cod fillets with Spanish rice

“You learn to cook so that you don’t have to be a slave to recipes. You get what’s in season and you know what to do with it.”

— Julia Child

Cooking involves not only the interaction of ingredients but also the transformative relationships that emerge throughout the process. The cook forms relationships with the ingredients, with nature, with the Divine, and with those who partake in the meal. The act of cooking becomes a dialogical experience, fostering a connection between the cook and the food, as well as between the cook and the diners. Through the transformative power of cooking, a chef can evoke emotions, trigger memories, and nourish the body and soul, thereby transcending the boundaries of a mere meal.

A process-relational worldview also recognizes the interconnectedness between humans and the environment. Cooking as an art form embraces this connection by acknowledging the origin of ingredients and their impact on ecosystems. The use of locally sourced, seasonal produce not only supports sustainable farming practices but also captures the essence of the surrounding environment. The flavors and textures of ingredients are influenced by factors such as climate, soil composition, and cultivation methods, making each dish a unique reflection of the environment in which it was created.

Cooking is a deeply human expression of creativity, culture, and identity. Just as an artist infuses their work with personal experiences and emotions, a cook imbues their dishes with their own unique perspective and heritage. Cooking serves as a medium for preserving culinary traditions, passing down family recipes, and celebrating cultural diversity. It is through the exploration and appreciation of different cuisines that we gain insight into the vast tapestry of human experiences and the diverse ways in which we express ourselves.

Carnitas tacos with all the fixings

Breakfast bowl of warm cinnamon spiced quinoa with pears, walnuts, and honey.

In some cultural and spiritual traditions, cooking holds a sacred and ritualistic significance. The act of preparing food becomes an offering, a way to connect with the Divine and express gratitude for the sustenance provided by nature. Cooking rituals, such as ceremonial feasts or sacred meals, serve as a bridge between the earthly and the transcendent. The transformative power of cooking is seen as a gift bestowed upon us, allowing us to participate in the sacred act of nourishing ourselves and others.

Within the framework of a process-relational worldview, cooking emerges as an art form that incorporates elements of color, texture, science, the environment, human expression, and the sacred. By recognizing the interplay of these factors, we deepen our understanding and appreciation of cooking as a multifaceted artistic endeavor. It is through the harmonious blending of these diverse elements that the beauty and significance of cooking truly unfold, enriching our lives, connecting us to our surroundings, and nourishing both our bodies and our souls.


Thai coconut cashew curry


Gnocchi and cannellini beans with spinach, olives, and grated Parmesan

Cooking transcends its functional purpose to emerge as an art form that holds immense beauty and creativity. Its interconnectedness, adaptability, ritualistic nature, and transformative relationships contribute to its status as a form of artistic expression. Just as a painter uses a canvas and a sculptor molds clay, a cook utilizes ingredients, techniques, and creativity to craft an edible masterpiece. By embracing cooking as an art form, we open ourselves to a world of sensory delight, aesthetic appreciation, and an elevation of experience.

About the Author


  • Jennifer Zechlin

    Jennifer Zechlin holds ordination in The Progressive Christian Alliance, and currently serve as Director of Christian Education and part time pulpit minister at a small United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ partnership church. As a former religious studies major, her passions revolve around Christian education, interfaith dialogue, and servant ministry. As a member of the human race, social justice and environmental restoration is as important to her as breathing and eating.

    Speaking of eating, she loves to cook and experiment with different cuisines. She also enjoys writing an occasional poem, pushing around paint on canvases, and learning how to play the flute and trombone.

    She says that she used to define “theologian” to her under-10 year-old Sunday school kids as, “Someone who thought about God” “I suppose that’s part of what makes me tick as well,” she says, “I certainly fit my own definition (though probably not as well as any under-10 that I’ve ever met).” Formally from Southern California’s Inland Empire, she currently lives in Roswell, New Mexico.

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