Extended Sight & Process Philosophy
October 15, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm PDT
Join us for this Saturday morning dialogue between physicist and neuroscientist Àlex Gómez-Marín and Cobb Institute Science Advisory Committee chair Matt Segall. Dr. Gomez-Marin, who is head of the Behavior of Organisms Laboratory at the Instituto de Neurociencias in Alicante, Spain, will summarize the results of his recent experiments on “scopaesthesia” (in collaboration with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake) and on “extraocular vision” (inspired by the work of Dr. Jacobo Grinberg). He and Segall will then explore how these phenomena can be given coherent interpretation from a process philosophical perspective.
Àlex Gómez-Marín is a Spanish physicist turned neuroscientist. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and a Masters in biophysics from the University of Barcelona. He was a research fellow at the EMBL-CRG Centre for Genomic Regulation and at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon. His research spans from the origins of the arrow of time to the neurobiology of action-perception loops across species, including flies, worms, mice, humans and robots. Since 2016 he is the head of the Behavior of Organisms Laboratory at the Instituto de Neurociencias in Alicante, where he is an Associate Professor of the Spanish Research Council. His latest research concentrates on human consciousness in the real world.
Matt Segall is Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco where he teaches graduate level courses on process philosophy and German Idealism. His recent book, Physics of the World-Soul: Alfred North Whitehead’s Adventure in Cosmology, put Whitehead’s process cosmology into conversation with various contemporary scientific theories, such as general relativity and quantum theory. This book is exemplary of much of Matt’s recent work, which puts ideas from process philosophy into conversation with the natural sciences.
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This event is sponsored by the Science Advisory Committee.