12 Universal Spiritual Principles to Freedom and Intimacy - header - 1300x500

Dealing With Difficulties in a Healthy and Holistic Way

WHO: Karl Y.

WHAT: Six Online Sessions

WHEN:Thursdays, 5:00 - 6:30 PM Pacific
May 23 - Jun 27, 2024

WHERE: Online via Zoom

Most people experience painful difficulties in life, such as the death of a loved one, conflict within marriage, the loss of a job, or addiction. Such challenges can be overwhelming when faced alone. This six-session course explores 12 spiritual principles that can help one deal with the difficulties they face in a healthy and holistic way.

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Course Summary

Over the course of life, most people experience serious challenges, like death of a loved one, conflict within marriage, the loss of a job, an addiction, serious problems with a child, loss of life purpose, etc. When such challenges require help beyond one’s own resources, the 12 spiritual principles covered in this course open the path to outside help which solves the challenge. This is the way to deal with the difficulties one faces in a healthy and holistic way.

In this six-session course, Karl Y. will guide participants in a brief study of the twelve spiritual principles for solving any human personal problem and how the solution increases intimacy with oneself, others, and the power of help outside oneself. The twelve universal spiritual principles are generalized from the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We will link these principles to the writing of Alfred North Whitehead in order to understand them in transreligious spiritual ways that are compatible with process-relational thought.

This course is a study of the twelve principles. To actually solve problems, people work and practice the twelve principles in daily life. Millions of people have succeeded in solving their problems through these principles. Karl, who has successfully used the principles for some 35 years, and helped hundreds of others to practice them, will share his experience. A guest who has newly begun practice will share experience. Participants in the course will have the opportunity to follow up the course with sessions for working/practicing the principles and sharing their experiences.

When selfishness from resentment and fear lessen with spiritual help, here is what happens:

1. We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or foolish decisions.

2. We become much more efficient.

3. We do not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves.

–Alcoholics Anonymous

Course Outline

  • Week One: Introduction to the Course
  • Week Two: Establishing the Conditions for Transformation
    Principles 1-3: Honesty, Trust, Agency
  • Week Three: Acknowledging One’s Humanness
    Principles 4-5: Courage, Self-Disclosure
  • Week Four: Stepping forward in Trust and Embracing Change
    Principles 6-7: Readiness, Humility
  • Week Five: Healing Relationships with Others
    Principles 8-9: Openness, Reconciliation
  • Week Six: Commitment to Lifelong Practice and Growth
    Principles 10-12: Resilience, Resourcefulness, Service

About the Instructor

Karl Y. graduated from Dartmouth University and Center for Montessori Studies (Bergamo, Italy). With his wife he founded a Montessori School where he invented a comprehensive computerized Montessori learning system.

He has authored four books and over 1,500 poems on his spiritual experience of compassion. He is currently writing Compassion: Hardwired in the Cosmos: A Spiritual and Scientific Theory of Reality. It uses relational biology, which is related to process philosophy.

Using the 12 Principles of Alcoholics Anonymous for 35 years, he recovered from four addictions and severe sexual childhood abuse. Today he experiences continual spiritual growth. He has helped over 500 people to recover through the 12 Principles.

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