Four Sessions Examining Process Theology
Through the Eyes of Beauty
In this four-session course, Patricia Adams Farmer will elucidate a Whiteheadian-inspired theology of beauty with a view to deepening understanding, enriching spirituality, encouraging an ecological vision, and nurturing hope.
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or work at your own pace.
Course Description
Begin the new year with a restorative immersion in beauty from a process perspective. In this course you will discover the God "who dreams of beauty" with themes that include: the Art of Beauty, Soul Beauty, Tragic Beauty, Moral Beauty, Natural Beauty, and the Beauty of Hope.
If you've always wanted to learn about process theology but were afraid it might be too cerebral, this course can be a fresh portal for both mind and spirit. If you are an artist or nature lover who seeks a theology of beauty—even a beautiful God—you will find refuge here.
Process writer and theologian Patricia Adams Farmer offers ideas to ponder, visuals to inspire, and questions to enliven conversation. On these Thursday afternoons in the dead of winter, you can sip on a hot cup tea in your favorite chair while enjoying a warm circle of fellow seekers of beauty.
“The teleology of the Universe is directed
toward the production of Beauty.”
–Alfred North Whitehead
“Beauty will save the world.”
–Fyodor Dostoyevsky
About the Professor
Patricia Adams Farmer is a writer, theologian, musician, and minister. She has led workshops, retreats, and online courses in the US and Canada featuring her process theology of beauty.
She began writing on process theology and beauty in 2003 with Embracing a Beautiful God. Since then, she has delved deeper into beauty and process with the publication of The Metaphor Maker and Fat Soul Fridays (fiction), Replanting Ourselves in Beauty: Toward an Ecological Civilization (with Jay McDaniel), Fat Soul: A Philosophy of S-I-Z-E, and Beauty and Process Theology: A Journey of Transformation. She contributes regularly to Open Horizons, edited by Jay McDaniel. She and McDaniel also share a blog, "Process Musings" at Spirituality & Practice.
With advanced degrees in theology, philosophy, and education, her first love is music. She is a "retired" saxophonist and a beginning classical guitarist. She and her husband Ron Farmer live in Fulton, Missouri, where she pastors Millersburg Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), writes, and shares desk space with an overfed ginger cat named Alfie—named after Alfred North Whitehead. Visit her website at
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- * Contribute whatever you feel the course is worth or whatever you can afford to help support this and other programs like it. No one is turned down for lack of funds.
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