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Memories, Stories, and Prehensions

“The past beats inside me like a second heart.”
—John Banville

Memories: The Cobb Institute Story

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“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stories must be told. They are shaped by our memories, yet stories hold our memories, wrap them up to be given as gifts to new generations. Memories become stories, sometimes sentimental, embellished or romanticized. Just like everything else, they grow. They are dynamic. They live and breathe with us.

I invite you to grab a cup of tea, sit in a quiet place, and enjoy this story about the Cobb Institute's "becoming.”

No one knows when it began exactly. It may have started in a modest living room in a Claremont retirement community, although it could have started during a major environmental conference in 2015. But more likely it began in 1958 when a young planter moved from Georgia to Claremont.

I call him a planter because much has grown out of the ideas he inspired in this little college town. This Johnny Appleseed of process theology moved to Claremont with a pocket full of seeds. The planter's name is John B. Cobb Jr.

The first seed he planted was the Center for Process Studies. It was actually more of an acorn, as Emerson described, containing a forest. It was a academic center where people would learn about a philosophy that had the potential to change the world by changing the way we understand our world.

In 1972, John realized that our world was in trouble. He got right to work. He talked about it, wrote about it. Some people listened but only a few would roll up their sleeves and get to work.

But more and more his students learned and decided to take action.

John started or inspired so many organizations that all deserve their own story, but today's story is about the Cobb Institute. It grew as a seed within a seed.

There are still witnesses to the beginnings.

Sometime in 2013, six or seven people had been gathering in John's living room to plan an ambitious event: a conference, the likes of which had never been seen in Claremont before.

It was a great success.

But after the conference was over the planning group continued to meet. Instead of planning, they now talked about this relational philosophy that the planter brought to Claremont.

Some new people joined the group, others left. The group grew from seven to eight, then to nine. By the time it reached ten, it was quite crowded. Speakers were sometimes invited, and John’s living room could no longer contain the growing group.

But something else was happening during this time. Claremont School of Theology decided that it had to move to save itself. The fate of the Center for Process Studies was undecided for a time, but finally it came to pass that the center would transplant itself in Oregon. It seemed unfathomable that this center, that had grown so successfully under the tender care of the planter, would be uprooted. But there is a thing that happens sometimes when a tree is replanted. If it leaves some of its root behind, and if that root happens to have any growth, even a small sprout, the leaves will photosynthesize, the roots will be fed, and a new tree will grow in its place. The Cobb Institute began as that little sprout in 2019, but it had a different name: the Claremont Institute for Process Studies. What seemed like a tragedy turned into a blessing, because now we have one strong tree that has been replanted and is growing roots in new place, and a new fast-growing tree in Claremont.

Just as this new tree was starting to sprout, the planter was at it again. He had fourteen seeds, and he invited people to come and see what might grow. Not all fourteen took root right away, but many did. Some seeds are yet to sprout, but it takes patience. What has grown is entangled like a wreath of woven branches. The planter taught us that there is no such thing as separate trees. There are ecosystems and forests. Everything is connected and relational.

Sixty-three years since the arrival of the planter, it seems like suddenly there is a growth spurt in this process-relational philosophy. Perhaps the climate is right for it. Perhaps people are beginning to realize that the old ways of thinking about a mechanical world are not working for us. The Cobb Institute realized that people are looking for a new worldview and a community in which to discuss it.

The planter is still here; his message is the same, only more urgent with each passing year.

Into his old age, he is still planting seeds for our future and our children’s future. We must help him lift that heavy shovel. We must carry on his work.

Kat Reeves
Spiritual Integration & the Arts Leader

The 14 Tables

At its launch meeting in March 2019, the following were proposed as possible projects for the Institute. There was a table for each one.

  1. Support the Institute for the Postmodern Development of China
  2. Support the Common Good International Film Festival
  3. Support Pando Populus
  4. Support Agenda for a Prophetic Faith in its work in Pomona
  5. Support Local Efforts to Implement Laudato Si
  6. Support our Work with the Hispanic Community
  7. Assist the Development of Religion-Online
  8. Coordinating with the University of La Verne
  9. Supporting Local Faith Communities
  10. Serving the “Spiritual But Not Religious” in Our Community
  11. Develop Tours of Local “Foretastes” of Ecological Civilization
  12. Transforming Higher Education for Ecological Civilization
  13. Encourage Organic Thinking in the Sciences
  14. Teaching Process to the Local Community
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“Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit.”

Message from the Treasurer

I was introduced to the Cobb Institute in August of 2020 by Dr. Jay McDaniel.  This was my initial introduction to process philosophy and theology. I began by participating in the Tuesday Cobb and Friends sessions. Since my initial introduction almost eight months ago, I think I have missed only two of the weekly gatherings. In addition to the Tuesday sessions, I have also been participating with the spiritual integration group, and have attended one multi-week class. The positive experiences led me to become a member.

In sharing my participation, my intent is to convey a message that I am finding it beneficial to invest my time. I have made new friends, been exposed to new ideas and thinking, as well as been given the opportunity to contribute my thoughts and talents.

Based upon some statistics that have been shared with me, I am not the only one that is finding the work of the Cobb Institute valuable. In the last year, the membership has grown from approximately twenty-five to sixty. The “friends of the Institute” e-mail list has grown from sixty to two-hundred and thirty-five.  Finally, the average attendance for the Cobb and Friends sessions has increased: February-40; March-41; & April-49.

These increased metrics also indicate the need for additional work on the part of the Cobb Institute. Increased work carries with it increased operating expenses.

So, here’s the punch line. The Institute wants to continue responding to the desires of every interested person. To do so means that it needs additional funding. The lowest level membership is only $30 for a year. Are you getting that much benefit from your participation? I prefer to think about it by asking, are you getting $10 per month of benefit? If yes, please consider contributing $10 each month. I would prefer to see small monthly payments rather than a single large payment. Those regular payments make financial planning easier, and long-term financial stability more likely.

Any and all support you can provide is appreciated.

Ken Pearson
Cobb Institute Treasurer

Advisory Board

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, John Cobb hosted a group of friends at his home at Pilgrim Place. The group heard presentations and had discussion with scholars, authors, scientists, activists, and others interested in “eco-civilization” and an open and relational worldview. This ad hoc group of friends offered up ideas and plans, they asked important questions, and they offered advice.

The pandemic ended these face-to-face gatherings, which led to major changes. Cobb & Friends was born in its place. Tuesday Zoom meetings replaced the more personal get-togethers at Pilgrim Place, which was a loss. However, Zoom allowed for John and his friends to reach a much larger audience. The advisors were joined by an ever-growing audience of interested folks from over the globe.

At the same time, the Zoom format made it more difficult to hear from those who those advisors on a regular basis. So, a more formal Board of Advisors was organized.

I am one of those that is now able to participate in the Cobb Institute because of its embrace of new technology. I live in Texas, and before Zoom I had read John’s books, but had not had the opportunity to hear him and others speak about process thought and all that flows from it. Recently the Cobb Institute Board asked me to join the Board and act as the Chair of the Advisory Board and work to reinvigorate it. I will act as the connection between the two groups, passing along advice, concerns, and ideas from the advisors to the Institute Board.

Our hope is that this reorganization of a group of trusted advisors will lead to greater opportunities for the Cobb Institute as it continues to grow. With growth there are greater needs – ideas, input, and a need for volunteers in a variety of areas. I look forward to working with these folks as we strive to spread a greater awareness of ecological civilization.

Terry Goddard
Advisory Board Chair

Note From John Cobb

In the Community Collaboration section of this newsletter you will find that Michael Witmer has told us a story about Pomona. Like many cities, it has lost its industrial base, and many of its wealthier citizens have moved to suburbs. The population is now mostly Hispanic, but, until recently, the city was still run by Anglos who more or less accepted its continuing economic decline.

I want to tell the story of a quite wonderful turn around that is in process now. A new, Hispanic, mayor, Tim Sandoval, who really cares about the city has played the central role. Pomona joined the “Compassionate City” movement and became serious about being compassionate to its citizens. One resident, Richard Bunce, organized a meeting on “Pomona Re-imagining,” that showed the transforming potential of forgiveness and compassion. Bunce was the Chair of “Agenda for a Prophetic Faith,” and this organization has followed up with numerous additional events. Leaders in the schools and police force have received training in restorative justice.

Meanwhile, Devon Hartman, CEO of Community Home Energy Retrofit Project (CHERP), tied up with the city to build a factory in Pomona. Hartman worked with the inventor of a less expensive solar panel to build the first of what they hope will be hundreds of small factories to bring jobs back to local communities. CHERP had been in the business of retrofitting homes to make them use less energy, but Hartman had seen that the poor whose homes most need retrofitting did not have the cash to spend now to save in the future. Their homes will be the first to benefit. On April 27, the public was welcomed to a Zoom tour of the factory as it prepares to open shortly.

This is just his first step in Hartman's plan to renew a five square-mile area of the city. Other factories are welcome. Pomona has many homeless people, and the state requires that it house them. A factory for tiny houses is being discussed. A young woman has developed a way of gassifying plastic and using the gases to produce energy. She may build a factory here. Instead of resigning itself to decay, Pomona is open to new opportunities to develop in ways that also help the world.

From the beginning of our Institute, working for a compassionate Pomona has had high priority. Michael Witmer has led us and become a leader in Pomona. He is involved in exploring tiny houses as a possible solution to homelessness. He is also organizing around urban farming and gardening. Citizens of Pomona have moral support from the city to work toward its ability to feed itself. During the pandemic they have fed many who would otherwise have gone hungry. Compassion has been at work.

Other members of our institute have been involved in education in Pomona. As in many places, there are a large number of youth who find schools a poor context for learning. Joseph Atman has developed an alternative context in which they enjoy learning. His success attracted Pomona school officials, and he is now working there. Mayor Sandoval expressed concern that there is too much bad parenting that produces children who grow up to be bad parents. He wants to interrupt that cycle. Atman is working with another member of our Institute, Pat Beiting, to develop a program in helping parents to have authentic compassion, that is “feeling with,” for their children.

We believe that, already, Pomona shows how a depressed city can regain morale and begin to transform itself. It has shown a lot already. It still has a long way to go.


Monthly Gratitude

I Put My Hand In Yours So That Together, We Can Do What I Cannot Do Alone

The Cobb Institute is grateful for our growing list of partners. Our most recent partner is All Paths Divinity School.

All Paths is non-denominational and has a multi-religious, inter-spiritual approach. This profound program is a threefold process: encouraging a deepening of one’s spiritual life, an expansion of one’s knowledge, and developing a personal ministry. It not only prepares students who feel called to a life of service and to be a vital part of the positive change we all so deeply desire in this world, but it also encourages deep personal spiritual growth, providing stimulating intellectual nourishment along the way.


Some of their students choose to do the program to simply immerse themselves in the study of world traditions and spiritual advancements for personal growth, or to cultivate a targeted ministry. All have opportunity for ordination as Interfaith Ministers. All Paths will work with each student to help shape their vision. There are many arenas to serve the community in interfaith/interspiritual ministry, or chaplaincy, and this can be in religious or secular venues, advocacy, activism, prison work, hospital work, teaching, counseling, conflict resolution, healing, writing, speaking, and other related fields of service.

Schedule and Events


May 4: Herman Daly: Ecological Economics for a Full World
Herman Daly was the steady-state economist at John Cobb’s 1972 conference, “Alternatives to Catastrophe.” He and John together published For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future (Beacon Press, 1989, 1994). With assistance from Cliff Cobb, they created the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW), an alternative to GDP as a measure of economic well-being. Daly, emeritus professor at University of Maryland, School of Public Policy, served from 1988 to 1994 as senior economist in the Environment Department of the World Bank. Co-founder of the journal Ecological Economics, he has won multiple awards, but he has often faced opposition from mainstream economists. John Cobb has questions for his long-time collaborator. We look forward to joining their conversation!

Dr. Daly suggests we read his 2015 essay on “Economics for a Full World.”

May 11: Brianne Donaldson: Jainism, Process Thought and Animal Ethics
Credentialed with a Ph.D. degree from Claremont School of Theology, where she was also an instructor, she is now Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies and Shri Parshvanath Presidential Chair in Jain Studies at University of California at Irvine.  Explore her website and discover at “Events” videos of her interview about animal agriculture’s role in pandemics, and a half-hour demonstration of preparing some vegetarian dishes.  Check out the syllabus for her current spring semester course, Animal Ethics and Religion.  Her newest book, Insistent Life: Principles for Bioethics in the Jain Tradition, co-authored with Ana Bajželj (University of California Press), will be published in June, 2021.

May 18: Barbara Muraca:  Degrowth–Transform the Social Imaginary!
Dr. Muraca has been showing how a relational way of thinking will transform how we organize our living. With advanced degrees from Italy and Germany, she is now Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies at University of Oregon, where a course on Whitehead is one of her offerings. She served for six years as co-director of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP). Since Summer 2018 she is a Lead Author of the IPBES assessment on multiple values of nature (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). See her profile here.

May 25: Philip Clayton: Eco-Civ: A Progress Report
The president of will update us on their recent developments to support their global and local work in Water, Economy, Community, and Dialogue. As Ingraham Professor of Theology at Claremont School of Theology, Dr. Clayton works at the intersection points of science, philosophy, and theology. As an activist (president of, and President of The Institute for Postmodern Development of China), he works to convene, facilitate, and catalyze multi-sectoral initiatives toward ecological civilization.  Check out his website for details.

Educational Development

Flagstaff College

The Educational Development Group heard from Flagstaff College in April. They are looking for some great candidates for generous scholarships. Please consider nominating students for a scholarship. They are looking for students who are excited about being engaged in their communities and want to put their energies toward addressing environmental and social challenges. That is Flagstaff College's most important criterion for both admission and scholarship award. Link to the nomination form.


May Meeting

Our newest partner, All Paths Divinity School, will be sharing their approach to an integrated value-full education.

When: May 24 at 3pm PST

How to join: send an email to


Photo taken at the Maryknoll Covent in Monrovia, CA. during the All Paths January 2020 Retreat

All Paths Divinity School is proud of its outstanding educational team of highly respected educators. Most are proactive members of the Los Angeles interfaith community and/or engaged in global interfaith work through organizations like the Parliament of the World’s Religions, United Religions Initiative, North American Interfaith Network, and others.

Community Collaboration

We must always remember that first there were the native people, the Tongva people and this was their home.


Pomona: Its Origins, Ascension, Decline & Possible Rebirth

A few months ago, as part of the curriculum of the Pomona Community Foundation’s “Pomona Leadership Network,” I had the privilege of hearing Mr. Ed Tessier deliver a three-hour history of Pomona. Ed is a PCF Board member whose family has lived in the community for several generations. He characterized his presentation as a “Peoples’ History” of the Pomona Valley.

Ed's narrative started thousands of years ago with the hundreds of indigenous tribes who had flourished for millennia in California. He gave a painful account of how they had nearly been wiped out, and told stories of the series of people groups that came and squeezed aside their predecessors (often with violence or chicanery), only to be squeezed in turn by successive waves of new immigrants. These successive waves have left bitter memories that continue to live in the community to this day. Each group left its unique imprint on Pomona.

Pomona’s status as a regional force began to decline in the '60s. The routing of the 10 Freeway massively disrupted the city’s downtown area. The departure of major industries like General Dynamics impacted the tax base and viability of downtown. Whites fled as Black families emigrated from South LA in the wake of the Watts Revolt. These factors created a turning point, though certainly not the end of social upheaval and demographic change. Lapses of civic leadership at key points contributed significantly as well.

All these factors made their contributions to what we see today: A city hobbled by its history, burdened with poverty, and often neglected by absentee landlords. What was once regarded as a model city, even called “the Western Eden,” is now eclipsed by neighbors that seem to have only surged and prospered. Although the same population as Pomona, the city of Ontario has a budget four times larger.

Possible Transformation

But Pomona is also a city with unique gifts: Many of these gifts are legacies of its unique history and mix of cultures, people groups, and shared struggles. It has a spirit, evident in its large coterie of volunteer associations. These include advocacy groups, tutoring services, service clubs, and social-change organizations and networks. Still other gifts may await recognition.

Today Pomona seems to be on the cusp of transformation. It recently adopted a Charter of Compassion, declaring to itself and to the world that it is committed to caring for the least fortunate of its residents. The city has taken great strides in providing services and shelter, including permanent housing, to the homeless population. It has committed to meeting the challenge of a gaping housing shortage, and means to do so without displacing people. That is, it intends to retain and lift up its marginalized residents, and not let them be squeezed out by yet another wave of wealthier arrivistes.

To meet its challenges, the city will necessarily have to draw on the assets of each of its constituent peoples and economic groups—the Tongva/Kizh, Latinx, Anglos, African Americans, Asians certainly; but also the wealthy landlords and the unsheltered; the young and the old; men and women; professionals and unskilled day laborers; established and the newly-arrived; institutions, churches, business owners; nonprofits, agencies and volunteer associations—all have a part to play. The key to revitalizing the city of Pomona will be in collaborations and collective action.

I recently heard a speaker who had built a coalition of affordable housing advocates in San Francisco. She said she found that “Collaboration can only happen at the speed of trust.” She added that she had found that sometimes, to draw one group into a partnership, it was necessary to exclude others. I’ve seen examples of this, so I got her point. Still, if it will take the whole community to build a new community, how can we avoid or exclude those whose participation is critical? How can the community’s disparate elements come to trust one another?

Rebuilding Trust

Painful histories, harbored grievances, and simmering mistrust burden a community and keep it from fulfilling its potential. Historical wounds mire us in the past and blind us to new possibilities in the present. Historian Francis Fukuyama has noted, "Widespread distrust in a society imposes a kind of tax on all forms of economic activity—a tax that high-trust societies do not have to pay." For Pomona, mistrust is a tax it simply cannot afford.

In my work with troubled communities, I found that sometimes trust between groups can be restored by truth-telling: confession, repentance, and burden-sharing. Even deeply fractured communities, long divided into factions, can find ways to transform their conflicts from something that undermines the community into something that builds it up. They can find ways to transform conflict into creative renewal and even redemption. Fractures become hip new fusions.

The path to this form of healing lies through the sharing of histories: people telling their stories of the struggles that gave birth to or shaped their group’s identity. There is something about sitting together, with a commitment to listen with respect and share one another’s histories, that can inspire mutual caring and concern. Hearing about each other’s values and discovering commonalities can enable people to cross a threshold of trust and get to work on shared problems. This kind of sharing also allows for the emergence of new possibilities. It opens a higher dimension, a three-dimensional volume of collaboration that replaces what was once a two-dimensional plane of win/lose, zero-sum battles.

The first step is establishing trust.

Michael Witmer
Community Collaboration Leader

Spiritual Integration & The Arts

Poetic Memories By Claremont Raven Poets

“For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.” ―James Baldwin



Another Monday morning
spread out
like ungathered leaves
of autumn

finds me leafing through
my childhood
in one of our worn-out
family albums

Here I am
leaning on a rake
one foot on an upended
bushel basket

next to Papa
who has empowered me
by saying
You did most of the work

as he kneels
by the side of the road
with his twisted
newspaper torch

Already I can smell
the bonfire
and see another season
go up in smoke

as the brilliant blue
of memory
paints over a sepia sky
in this ancient photo

R. T. Sedgwick

Washing Away Father

I wore my father’s sweater
like a warm hug
fabric worn and thinning
until it could not hold
together anymore
I washed the cigarette smoke
patina from the walls
he flowed down the drain
in the yellow rinse water
his laundry in the washer
cleansed of his scent
all he left
gadgets, tools, gears
clothes and shoes
packed in boxes
his body
ashes like sand
poured into hands
of his children
who let go

Kathleen Reeves


Red Streamer

Yokohama, Japan, 1959

A gray April morning
aboard a US Navy ship.
Mother and I spot her
standing on the dock.
I yell, Obachan, Grandma.
Her obsidian eyes remain
strong, tearless, vigilant.
My small body keeps throwing
thin streamers, landing nowhere.
Then Grandmother’s determined
hand catches the last strand.
For an instant, we all smile.
Aunts, uncles, cousins huddle
to grasp the wavering thread.
Mother’s moist hands clutch my fist.
The vessel begins its move.
We wave to touch. The line snaps.
Our half hangs against the hull.
Their side drops on dead seaweed.
Faces fade into the mist.
Eyes strain to hold us close.
A distant foghorn bellows
its solitary warning.
Red stains my palms like rope burns.

June Kino Cullen

An Old Wallet

She found it in the garage while clearing
out the house for the new owners.
A wallet in the bottom of a box
filled with albums and ’45 records
written in Magic Marker on the top:
Stuff I Should Probably Throw Away.

A wallet she recognized from high school
sixty years ago, pink with plastic
stitching, the kind a girl might make
in summer camp, with a red picture of a heart
right in the middle. No money (damn it!)
or credit cards but a city bus pass,

school ID (did I really have a hair-flip
like that?), pictures of Elvis
and Pat Boone. Phone numbers:
written in pencil on two folded-up
note pages with only the first names
of people that she doesn’t recognize now.

And stuck down in a back pocket,
almost glued together by years
of moisture and heat, small
black-and-white photos, the kind
you got from the booth at the bus station;
four poses for fifty cents. Pictures of her
and Joann and Stephanie—inseparable,

joined at the hip forever or at least until
they graduated and each drifted off
to their own different lives—three
girls making faces and posing cross-eyed
for the camera: One dying in a car wreck
thirty years ago, another living

somewhere in Colorado and the third
heading now to a place where she will have
to learn how to share a room and eat whatever
is on the menu served in the main dining hall.
And there stuck in the crease where money
is meant to be, a photo of a boy named Tony,

a guy she loved and thought
she would marry, and let him
get to second base every Saturday
when they went to the drive-in movie
in his beater of a Ford, who sort of
drifted away after they broke up

and later heard that he enlisted
in the navy or maybe it was
the marines and how someone
years later told her he died in some
Asian country that she was sure
she had never heard of before.

Richard Luftig

Previously published in England in Writer’s Café.


“We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”
―Joan Didion

In The Learning Lab

Women in Process - crop

A Group of Women Exploring Process Philosophy From a Feminine Perspective

Women in process provides a space for women who want to explore their "becomings" and "possibilities." The group meets on the third Thursday of each month.

To learn more or join, send an email to

EcoCiv Discussion Group - crop

A Discussion Group Pursuing the Possibilty of an Ecological Civilization

In this book and discussion group, we meet monthly to read, discuss, and learn together about what needs to be done and what we can do for our common home.

To learn more or join, send an email to

Process and Coffee - featured image

A Discussion Group About Books That Foster An Integral Spirituality

Process & Coffee is about spiritual integration and exploration. We meet weekly to dive into books by mystics and sages. The discussion that follows helps to deepen our own spiritual lives.

To learn more or join, send an email to

Beauty and the Spirit - featured image

Four Sessions Exploring John O'Donohue's Concept of Beauty

Join a group of clergy as we explore how John O'Donohue's idea of Beauty can serving as portal to the Spirit and provide meaning in everyday life.

Click here to find out more information.


To learn more or join, send an email to

What is process anyway - featured image

May 10, 2021 at 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Pacific

Taught by one of the world’s leading experts in process thought, Dr. Jay McDaniel will provide an introduction to some of the major themes and concepts found in process-relational philosophy and theology.

Click here to reserve your seat.

Conversations In Process Podcast

Thomas Jay Oord – Opening the Love of God

In a time of skepticism concerning religious belief, let's talk about God and Love. Is it true that there really is a loving God, but that God does not know the future in advance? Is it true that God cannot control what happens in the world, but that God can indeed lure or guide the world into well-being if the world responds? Is it true that God shares in the experiences of each and all, as a fellow sufferer who understands? Is it true that God is Love: not human love, but rather a cosmic love within us and beyond us, everywhere at once, flowing from a personal being, beyond specific location, who listens to us, hears our prayers, and cares for us and all creatures, all of the time? Thomas Oord answers "yes" to all of these questions. The author of many books on God and love, and a talented photographer as well, he is a key leader in the "open and relational theology" movement. We spend an hour with him talking about his life, his work, his ideas, and his hopes for the future.

Listen / Watch Episode

Process in Praxis Blog


Process Awareness

By Kathleen Reeves | April 15, 2021

We often talk about putting process in praxis, and try to explain what that would look like. Can process philosophy be a practice? How do you practice process? Increasingly I have come to understand process not so much as things to do, but, rather, as an awareness. Process philosophy is not just a field of study or a theological approach. It is about seeing the world in a process way.

Read Post

Science Advisory Team

Join Tim Eastman and other scholars for a series of conversations about his new book, Untying the Gordian Knot: Process, Reality, and Context. In this provocative text he proposes a new creative synthesis, the Logoi framework-which is radically inclusive and incorporates both actuality and potentiality-to show how the fundamental notions of process, logic, and relations, woven with triads of input-output-context and quantum logical distinctions, can resolve a baker’s dozen of age-old philosophic problems.


Purchase from Amazon |

To attend the conversations, RSVP here.

Process & Faith Summer Institute


The popular "Process Theology Summer Institute" is expanding into two distinct offerings this year. The first is the "Process Summer Intensive," offered for academic and continuing education credits through Claremont School of Theology. This fully-online CST course will take place July 6-10 and feature Dr. Karen Baker-Fletcher, Dr. Jon Gill, and Dr. Andrew Davis. (learn more) The second offering is the "Process Ministry Summer Institute," August 2-10 (more details forthcoming). Both are open to the public.

May Calendar

“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”
—Jimmy Neil Smith


For more information about our events, send an email to

About the Author


  • Kathleen Reeves

    Kathleen Reeves is the community relations specialist at the Cobb Institute, and leads the Institute’s group for spiritual exploration and the arts. She also serves on the communications team and assists with the Institute's social media messaging.

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