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John Cobb & Friends Gathering – David Bartosch

April 12, 2022 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm PDT

Topic: Culture as a Core Process of Human Cosmic Life

Presenter(s): David Bartosch

Dr. Bartosch is a German philosopher serving as a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, where he focuses on transcultural comparative philosophy, the traditions of world philosophy, and intercultural studies. He has been recently engaged with John Cobb in lengthy discussion about an upcoming publication. Bartosch says, “In this talk, I will refer to a concept of culture (especially also ecology-related) which stands in relation to the philosophies of Whitehead and to Dr. Cobb’s comprehensive works. I will try to interweave this topic with the thoughts on cosmic life discussed with Dr. Cobb during our January online meeting. In relation to ideas about culture and (eco-)morality, I might also refer to John Coltrane and Friedrich Schiller as case examples for artists’ thoughts on the subject matter.”

Here is a link to a detailed list of Bartosch’s writings and television interviews. He discusses why a German scholar finds inspiration in ancient Chinese philosophy in brief excerpts from this television interview. A more extensive interview with the Chinese press, about Wang Yangming as a reformer of Confucian tradition, is available about 19 minutes into this YouTube video.

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April 12, 2022
10:00 am – 12:00 pm PDT
Event Category:


Cobb Institute
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