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John Cobb & Friends Gathering: What is My Vocation? A Conversation with John Cobb & Friends

February 14, 2023 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm PST

Topic: What is My Vocation? A Conversation with John Cobb & Friends

Presenters: See Below

From John Cobb’s Pilgrim Place campus in Claremont we’ll be ZOOM’ing a live conversation with some “process” friends. Cobb Institute chairperson Jay McDaniel will be guiding our “Conversation in Process.” As preparation he recommends that we read John Cobb’s reflections, “What Is My Vocation?

Conversation partners will include John CobbIgnacio Castuera, Meijun Fan, Al GephartJohn FaheyMarcus FordJacki GingrichRon Hines, Catherine KellerJanice LauRichard LauSandra LubarskyBob Mesle, Mary Elizabeth Moore, and Zhihe Wang. Via our usual ZOOM link all of our Friends will be welcome to contribute to the conversation! 

Information about how to access each gathering is made available via email. To find out about a single meeting, send an email to events@cobb.institute. If you would like to receive regular meeting announcements and updates about the Institute, please join our list of Friends.

Can’t make it to the live session? Click here to access our archive of Cobb & Friends recordings.


February 14, 2023
10:00 am – 12:00 pm PST
Event Category:


Cobb Institute
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