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John Cobb & Friends Gathering: Timothy Murphy

February 28, 2023 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm PST

Topic: Sharing Process Values in the Real World: A Minister/Activist’s Journey

Presenters: Timothy Murphy

Rev. Dr. Timothy Murphy has been Pastor and Teacher of Plymouth Church (UCC) in Fort Wayne, Indiana since 2018. Before that he had served as Transitional Pastor of All Peoples Christian Church in Los Angeles, CA. He earned his Ph.D. at Claremont Graduate University. He has served as Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion and Politics at Claremont School of Theology, where he taught courses in Religion, Ethics, and Politics. For three years he was Executive Director of Progressive Christians Uniting, a faith and social justice organization based in southern California, focusing on mass incarceration and climate change. From 2007-2010, he was the Minister for Youth and Social Justice at Pilgrim UCC in Carlsbad, CA. Holding standing in both the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Timothy has served in various congregational and ministry settings in Kentucky, Missouri, Texas, and California. He is author of Counter-Imperial Churching for a Planetary Gospel: Radical Discipleship for Today and Sustaining Hope in an Unjust World: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up, and a children’s story book, Jesus Learns to Glow

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February 28, 2023
10:00 am – 12:00 pm PST
Event Category:


Cobb Institute
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