John Cobb & Friends Gathering: Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
May 23, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm PDT
Topic: 21 Psalms for the 21st Century
Presenters: Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
Noted process theologian Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki shares wisdom gained from her spiritual practice of reading and re-reading the Psalms during the days of pandemic. In process-relational meditations, she shares her journey, and she also includes contemporary psalms by Blair Gilmer Meeks. See the Process Century Press website for a description of her recently published book, featuring 21 Psalms, of warning, yet an on-going source of hope. Dr. Suchocki has had a long-time association with John Cobb, having been his student at Claremont Graduate School. She was founder of the (Whitehead) Common Good Film Festival, and Co-director Emerita of the Center for Process Studies. The Cobb Institute Educator’s Toolbox includes a ready to share slideshow summarizing Suchocki’s approach to Christian Process Theology Access the Center for Process Studies bibliography of her books, articles, and videotapes, and see her detailed biodata and major publications here.
Blair Gilmer Meeks, past editor of Liturgy, the quarterly journal of The Liturgical Conference, writes and lectures on worship and preaching for Abingdon Press and The Upper Room. She was acting coach in the chancel drama program at the Center for Arts and Religion, Wesley Theological Seminary.
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