Calendar of Events
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Learning Circle: Labor & Creativity
Learning Circle: Labor & Creativity
This 9-week learning circle provides a discussion-based study of Anne Fairchild Pomeroy’s text Marx and Whitehead, which systematically links Whitehead’s process-relational philosophy to Marx’s dialectical critique of political economy, identifying deep resonances between the two in order to develop a pathway for the vital integration of these two great thinkers into a more comprehensive perspective.
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Learning Circle: Labor & Creativity
Learning Circle: Labor & Creativity
This 9-week learning circle provides a discussion-based study of Anne Fairchild Pomeroy’s text Marx and Whitehead, which systematically links Whitehead’s process-relational philosophy to Marx’s dialectical critique of political economy, identifying deep resonances between the two in order to develop a pathway for the vital integration of these two great thinkers into a more comprehensive perspective.
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Learning Circle: Labor & Creativity
Learning Circle: Labor & Creativity
This 9-week learning circle provides a discussion-based study of Anne Fairchild Pomeroy’s text Marx and Whitehead, which systematically links Whitehead’s process-relational philosophy to Marx’s dialectical critique of political economy, identifying deep resonances between the two in order to develop a pathway for the vital integration of these two great thinkers into a more comprehensive perspective.
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Course: Introduction to Process-Relational Thought & Practice 2025
Course: Introduction to Process-Relational Thought & Practice 2025
This 6-week course provides an introduction to the process tradition by examining key ideas in Whitehead’s philosophy, exploring some general ideas that flow from his philosophy, and considering applications of these ideas in personal life and community development.
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Renewing Faith Online Conference
Join Process & Faith on a sacred journey to renew your faith and explore how we live into process and open & relational theology together. During this multi-day online event, you'll have the opportunity to explore several core themes of Christian faith—not academically, but in “big conversations” and practices.
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Course: Introduction to Process-Relational Thought & Practice 2025
Course: Introduction to Process-Relational Thought & Practice 2025
This 6-week course provides an introduction to the process tradition by examining key ideas in Whitehead’s philosophy, exploring some general ideas that flow from his philosophy, and considering applications of these ideas in personal life and community development.